Friday 21 June 2013

Exploring Garden-Based Learning at George Harvey C.I

Last month I was invited by one of my OISE colleagues, Airin, to join her at George Harvey Collegiate Institute and help out with the school's food initiatives.

As part of the service-learning component for the Philosophy of Food: Food Justice and Education Thought course at OISE, University of Toronto, led by Dr. Bradley Rowe, I was awarded the opportunity to experience first hand the remarkable learning that occurs in the school garden. Garden-Based learning has been an area of interest, and I was looking forward to see the positive effects of school gardens that has been largely documented.

front garden
Located at Keele St. and Eglinton Ave, George Harvey C.I is faced with many of the challenges of Toronto's urban schools. The high school has a diversity of culture, language and religion. George Harvey C.I. strives to maintain a program of holistic learning which engages in issues of identity. Food is one tool used as an entry way for identity dialogue and community building.  Many students today lack experience with natural ecosystems, and have little exposure to natural elements which they can explore and play. Gardens allow a school to transform asphalt-covered and flat green school gardens into learning centres. George Harvey C.I. garden-based learning provides cross-curricular opportunities for students to engage in hands-on gardening into their curriculum. School gardens not only allow students to gain a close personal experiences with the earth, but teaches them how a plant goes from seed to plate. It introduces students to local, sustainable food systems.

Jump Start Breakfast Program
With an early start, we began in the kitchen helping out with the Jump Start Breakfast program. Run by the school social worker, Vince, the breakfast program was bustling with student volunteers, teaching staff and students eagerly waiting to fill their plates with a nutritious breakfast. That morning we made scramble eggs alongside English muffins, an apple and orange juice to drink. I helped out with the prepping, cracking and beating dozens of eggs.  On average there are 70-100 students and staff that start their day with the Jump Start program. That morning we served breakfast to over 80 students, which was all quickly eaten up. The free breakfast program offered at George Harvey C.I has had positive results for student learning. Providing students with a nutritious meal to start their day helps students to focus, and studies showing that student learning, participation and academic performance all improve.

side garden
side garden, before the garden beds were prepared for planting 
green house
After breakfast, we had a chance to explore the school and see first had the garden-based learning that takes place. There are three main areas around the school that are the at the centre of the school gardens, at the back of the school, along the side and at the front. Despite, the lack of green space the school has transformed unusable land into flourishing gardens where students and nature reunite.

Over the years, students have built raised beds, toiled the soil and planted trees and shrubs. Furthermore, a greenhouse which sits at the back garden, was donated by the community, allowing the school to grow organic food all year long.

seedlings, grown by the food and nutrition class
In the greenhouse were a number of seedlings planted by the science students, another example of how the school gardens are used to engage students across the curriculum.
seedlings, grown by the food and nutrition class

After our tour, we were joined by the Grade 10 food and nutrition class to plant seedlings which the students had grown from seeds.  The Grade 10's were eager to plant their seedlings. Before they got started, they first needed to prepare the garden beds, removing all of the weeds that had grown during the off-season, and toil the soil to ensure a healthy garden.

The students each took on varying jobs, some worked in the garden beds and removed weeds, while others prepared stakes and twine. Laughter and lively conversation dominated, as students worked steadfastly to prepare their gardens.

For many, this was their first time to work in the school garden, and for even more it was their first time to be gardening and working with soil at all. This new opportunity was welcomed by all the students.  As students were working hard to prepare the gardens it was hardly quiet. Student's were laughing and chatting with each other. Many students who usually would not spend time to talk to one another, found common interest in the gardens. The gardening activity brought together the students in ways that could not be achieved in the classroom.

potato seedlings
Once the gardens were ready, the students planted with pride their young seedlings which included zucchini, eggplant, beans, peppers, dill, parsley, cilantro and much more. They had a sense of contentment and joy that translated beyond the classroom walls.

In the afternoon, we joined Airin's grade 12 philosophy class in the garden and planted seedlings donated by The Stop Community Food Centre.
 variety of vegetable, herbs, and flower seedlings. The students worked in the garden and planted the donated seedlings while engaging both the mind and body.
student artwork

The garden activities bring to light what Ralph Emerson's vision of a holistic education which educates the mind, body and the heart. For Emerson, nature becomes a site of education where each the mind, body and the heart are engaged and work together.

The student artwork which lined the fenced garden, demonstrates the expression and creativity of the students which transcends beyond the classroom. The garden  is truly a site that is cross-curricular, and allows students of all ages to participate in inquiry and discovery.

garden beds

I shared with the students the excitement of transforming a space into an area of growth and life. The space which the gardens now occupy were at one point unused and wasted. Transforming the space into gardens has fostered community building and an area for which the students can connect with both the environment and a local source of food.  The students were engaged in environmental education which gave them the knowledge, skills, perspectives and the practice that they need to be active and responsible citizens.